Repost – 7 Reasons why you should also switch to a hybrid vehicle.

Hybrids Are Cleaner

As a traditional vehicle ages, it may create more emissions than it did when it was new. Whereas, as renewable energy resources become more available, your HEV (Hybrid Energy Vehicle) will only become cleaner as time goes on. Yes, it’s true that hybrids burn the same fuel source as a normal car and therefore produce the same environmentally damaging gasses as conventional vehicles. However, hybrid vehicles are much more fuel efficient and therefore produce a lot less CO2 emissions.

Keys hand over

Hybrids Retain Their Value

Hybrids are one of the new crazes in the car world. Due to this they are able to hold their value a lot better then a normal petrol or diesel vehicle. Also due to the amount of technology it takes to get a hybrid to work effectively, it normally means that the specs of the car are better inside giving them a higher resale value.

Hybrids Are Incredibly Quiet

While tyre and road noise from a vehicle will not be impacted by changing the inner workings, the noise that is being produced by the engine will be reduced dramatically. If you have seen or been inside an HEV while it is in motion you will know that (at low speeds especially) the noise pollution is heavily reduced.

Hybrids Require Less Maintenance

Due to the fact that the cars engine will be running a noticeable amount less then with a ‘normal’ vehicle. It is safe to say that the engine will not be working as hard as it will be with a petrol or diesel adaptation of the same vehicle. Therefore, the car will require less services and brake checks.

Hybrids will not hurt your energy bill as much as you are led to believe

When you consider the amount that you will be saving at the filling station and the energy efficient changers that an environmental conscious person makes, e.g. turning lights off when not in the room and less TV time. Then you will notice that you may be able to save more money then you thought you would. A usual worry about hybrid and electric cars is they will increase the electric costs 10-fold however this is not the case.

Hybrids require less fuel therefore less cost

Even though you will still need petrol to power your vehicle, you’ll need a lot less of it to get from A – B. The large fluctuations in prices from pump to pump may not be as much of an “physical” pain when driving a hybrid electric. Some Companies, like Tesla, even offers free charging for users, if having brought their car from them, making the cost even cheaper.

Tesla Charge Point

Tesla charge point

Hybrids are more affordable than previously thought

Many people are under the misconception that hybrid vehicles are very pricey as they are filled with ‘futuristic technology’. However, they are a lot less expensive they people think. For example, you can pick up a brand-new Toyota Yaris Hybrid for around £16,000.[1]

Check out our 7 more reasons here.


[1] –

Adam Ramsdale

Author Adam Ramsdale

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